Every year, the senior officers meet with Mrs. Tekavec, the spanish teacher, to plan this game. The game consists of eight different teams. Twenty-four boys and girls sign up on a first come first serve basis. Along with these 24 players, each gender gets 5 alternate sign ups in case someone decides not to play or is absent from school that day. These 48 players are divided up into each of the 8 teams, three boys and three girls on each team. These eight teams of students play 8 teams of faculty members in five minute sets, rotating after every five minute interval to the next team.
This event is an hour long that takes place from 1:30-2:30 during the school day. In order to have your team participate in the event, the team members must gather up three canned goods. Without these canned goods, the team will be unable to participate in the event. Along with each team bringing in cans themselves, each spectator must bring in either one dollar or one canned good. Without one of these, a student will not be admitted into the charity event.
The canned goods and money go towards The Geauga Hunger Task Force. The Geauga Hunger Task Force is an organization that is part of United Way. Their mission is to unite people and provide better lives for those in Geauga County. Their goals are to improve education, help people with financial stability, and promote healthy lives. This is a volunteer group that people from around the county, and the people join together to improve the lives of their fellow citizens.
Now, do students and even faculty members enjoy this event just because it shortens the school day and their classes? Or is it really an excellent event used to bring aid to families in need? Some students choose to opt out of viewing this game and just sitting in the cafeteria enjoying the fact they are not having to sit in class, while the majority of the Chardon student body is willing to spare one measly dollar or a canned good. While the true meaning as to why this fundraiser may never be heard, it is an excellent way for the student body to interact with the Chardon faculty members. It allows students and faculty members to have some fun and raise money for a great cause.